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Category Archives Calvinism vs. Arminianism

I noticed growing up this was a common theme among lots of young people. I would constantly hear things like; "oh, I am a Christian now.... I quit partying, I follow Jesus now." Only to either see or hear about them a few short months later, how they were seen drunk, or swearing like a sailor at the local Bowling alley. What happens to people after they repent? Is this repentance authentic? When young people repent are they born again?... These are all very good questions when you approach the topic of repentance... I too haven't lived a very solidly paved Christian lifestyle my entire life. I have walked away from God, I have fallen into sin, and I have even been upset with God. So what happens after you repent? Well, people repent for different reasons. This may be because of guilt, shame, hating their life, or being pressured…

How many people have a hard time waiting for something they want. I remember as a kid I had the hardest time in the world waiting for some sort of event. I would get so anxious. I would stay up at night and not be able to sleep. We measure everything based on time; how long we work, how often we eat, when to go to bed....and so forth. So the idea of time is our livelihood. So when we want something in life its no surprise we want to attach time to its outcome. The correlation between time and events is the only way we process things in our brain. The reason why solitaire confinement in prisons is cruel and unusual punishment is because the person is unaware how long he has been sitting in there. He is unaware if its day or night, summer or winter, lunch or dinner.…

Can a believer forfeit salvation? Please share your view, I like when people engage in these topics. Many Christians I have met, don't actually know the depths of the Bible. It shocks me how little the average Christian knows about his own belief system. Atheists actually know more about scripture than Christians do. I recently read a commentary in a Bible and it said these words in reference to a verse. "No matter how much of your deeds are worthless, no believer will forfeit salvation." Just to briefly familiarize people with the text. There is a debatable topic that has been floating amongst the Christian groups, called Calvinism and Arminianism. These categories are referring to two major views: Calvinism- the theological system of Calvin and his followers marked by strong emphasis on the sovereignty of God, the depravity of humankind, and the doctrine of predestination. Arminianism- of or relating to Arminius…
