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Monthly Archives February 2016

This topic is one that I've been meaning to talk about for weeks now. Its a topic that everyone should hear, and definitely something we all need to work on. We as humans were created by an all mighty God that has emotions. This is precisely why we all experience emotions too. However, most of our emotions are based on our moods. If we are hungry we get cranky, if sleepy we get irritable, if we get sick we feel frustrated...and want to be taken care of. However, God ins't controlled by a flesh that produces irrational responses. I'm sure most of us have felt this at one point or another..... I grew up in a family of 4 kids, we grew up in a middle class family...where we didn't necessarily need to pass down sneakers, but my parents were definitely savers.  I remember my little sister being so spoiled- being…

The last several days I have been preoccupied with an amazing new addition to my family...He is actually a K9. This is partially why I haven't been able to get to my blogging. Among all other things of course. The day I went and picked up my new dog- I was driving down the street couldn't believe how excited I was. I was actually nervous, as if I was picking up a date. I shortly realized how much I truly loved dogs. I think the anticipation really killed me, I had been waiting 8 weeks to finally get this little guy. However, the day had come...As I drove him home, I sat and observed his behavior. I was fascinated how different he was from the other dogs I had owned. I was intrigued by how unique he was. He was just sitting there starring at me with his gorgeous blue eyes,…

This topic really grinds my gears..I look around and see what makes the world tick. I see what drives people..what inspires people and I think to myself, what happened to society. We live in a time where people will only call you if they need something, they will never ever waste any of their time helping others, unless there's an incentive. People live for themselves, they drown themselves in useless activities, just to make an excuse that they are busy. Where does this originate from? Why are people so careless, so selfish, so Godless? As I look around, I see this entire society conditioned to think as certain way...I see media feeding everyone how they should perceive the world. I know this perception very well, because I was taught this strategy. One of the Majors I graduated in is marketing. Marketing is a very interesting field. It essentially makes or…

I have always been a bad decision maker, this goes probably for most of us... How many of us are proud of everything we have ever done? How many of us recall a very specific bad decision we have made in our life? Oh man, If making bad decisions was a sport I would be a professional.....It seems that no matter how hard I try I still cannot overcome bad decisions in life. Let me recall one very bad decision in my life that still haunts me to this day. As a young adolescent, I grew up in Fresno California, for those that have no idea where that's at...? Good. Its a terrible place, somewhere between San Francisco and Mexico...where the Gangs are like street performers on the main strip in Vegas. When I was roughly 10 years old, I was walking to school with one of my best friends Ryan.…

I started this topic a few days ago in regards to health and how we are a reflection of what we eat. Its common knowledge that our body will reflect the food we ingest. Lets say your daily routine is a morning coffee and a doughnut for breakfast, pizza or burger for lunch...cant forget the coke, and some sort of pasta dinner, along with some cake for dessert. How long do you think you can keep up this routine before it will reflect to your hips. A month or two, maybe a year. Even for the skinny breed, cholesterol would go through the roof....So you aren't fooling anyone. We have to remember that our body was designed this way on purpose. Think about it, imagine if you could eat absolutely cake in the morning, ice cream sandwich for lunch, and a whole pizza for dinner, and not have any…

I spoke about fear the other day in one of my blogs...I talked about how important it is to have the fear of the Lord in your heart. But what if I told you that is possible for you to die from sin...and not Spiritually but physically. Sin in our society seems to be a misconception, even among the Christians. People take sin very lightly. This is due to the heresy that is taught at many of the churches these days. Instead of teaching the consequences of sin, they teach how God is all forgiving. Interestingly enough, if it wasn't for Jesus, we wouldn't stand a chance. As I was reading the Bible today I stumbled on a few verses, where God isn't so merciful. Where God actually punishes sin with Death. Imagine that, you are knowingly committing sin and all of a sudden death is upon you. You are…

How many times have you heard this? Seems like, no matter where I go, or who I talk to...eventually people will talk about, etc. I remember growing up, my dad was a serious health fanatic. We would wake up in the morning, he would make sure we had at least a snack, drank some tea (usually some sort of herbal healthy tea or green tea) and all our vitamins. And when I say vitamins I mean a handful of pills! He would give us a garlic pill, Vitamin C pill, Fish oil, and everything else out there in pill form. I remember I would try and sneak out without my dad seeing me...Because man, did I hate swallowing all those pills, some of them were like the size of horse tranquilizer pills. Every time you would swallow them, you would practically choke...oh the good old days. I always use…

I think a very popular topic among the atheistic followings is why would you follow a God that wants you to be scared of him..? Are we to be afraid of God and his wrath? Are we to fear God? I remember growing up, it was a popular tactic among the Russian culture to try and scare you straight. You would have older people telling you that you would be cast into the pits of hell if you didn't straighten up. I even remember my mom telling me, Are you not scared, imagine if you were to get hit by a car on your way home...would you go to heaven? Can you imagine how terrible hell would be? I seen this scare tactic as a form of pressure to try and manipulate that Jesus wants you to be miserable in the afterlife. This is why many atheists have a hard…

We all love love to stay busy....well most of us. I can't stand having too much free time. In this day and age, most of us wouldn't even know what to do with too much free time. Most of us either work, go to school, or raise a family...All of which consumes our entire lives. From the crack of dawn till our heads hits the pillow we are frantically running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I am not saying being busy is a bad thing, in fact staying busy can keep you disciplined and steadfast to life. But there is such a thing as being consumed by this life. We have heard of the consequences of overworking yourself...Things like health problems, insomnia, anxiety, depression, etc...We have to be careful to not overwork ourselves to an early grave. Some people are just born with an overdrive switch...a switch…

Its  been one of those days, you ever have one of those days that everything is just going smooth? People are calling you, people are being nice to are able to hear Gods voice. The Holy Spirit comforts get invited over for feel feel great. Well, today was one of those days. I pray and God hears me. He overwhelms me with his presence....He lets me know that he is there, he talks and comforts me as the day goes on. Oh how I wish everyday was this amazing. Oh how I wish we would feel this sense of being acknowledged all the time... Yesterday was quite the opposite, in fact most of my week has felt that way. I have felt alone, I felt that something wasn't there. I actually began to tell myself that God doesn't hear me! He doesn't care about me. Oh…
