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Monthly Archives May 2016

I briefly discussed the power of prayer yesterday, and because today is the national day of prayer, I would like to continue this topic. I have already discussed my view on what prayer is and what it isn't. Many people might not agree with me, but hey... I know that prayer is an effective tool in my life, and God hears me, so therefore I know I am one of Gods Children and can pray with confidence. Today I wanted to discuss a crucial topic...Does God hear a sinners prayer? This is a very important question because many people think that they can continue to live in sin and God will hear them. Many people live however they want and assume God hears their prayers. If we read John 9:31 "We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will." It…

I was going to continue the Holy Spirit series but I have been compelled to write about the power of prayer. The Holy Spirit has put it on my heart to talk about the seriousness and effectiveness of prayer. I noticed that in our world, the word prayer has truly lost its meaning. Many cultures pray to idols, or to other spirits. Or worse yet....Some pray to some sort of higher power. Because of this, society has diminished the seriousness of prayer. People love to throw this around; "I will pray for you." People that have no relationship with God whatsoever have broken the true meaning of what prayer is. Yesterday, I was walking faced with a few concerns and issues that had surfaced in my life. As I was walking, I was thinking of how little I truly pray in my life....I started to be convicted by the Holy…
