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Category Archives All About Sin

As the cold weather is creeping upon us I wanted to discuss a topic that's been cooking in my head for the last few months. I wanted to share a little story with whoever is out there and willing to listen. This year was the first year in my life that I've gotten so sick- a sickness that was ignored. Many of us battle with a cold every year...Well I usually don't get sick ever. In fact, its been years since I've been bed ridden from a sickness. It all started with a sore throat one morning as I woke up in need of a drink of water- as the week progressed that sore throat turned into swollen glands and a cough. As I drank my dayquil during the day and nyquil during the night I tried to ignore the reality that my body was fighting a sickness. In fact,…

I think many people have to deal with at least a few bad decisions that they have made in their life. Many of these decisions might of not been intentional, but situational. Meaning, at the time it made sense, or they were in a different state of mind (not exactly Christian). So do bad decisions define us as people...? Well, of course not, many mistakes that we made as teenagers we wouldn't make in a million years now that we are grown up. Or lets say as a child you are unaware a bee stings, you will be intrigued by its beauty and simply the lack of knowledge will prevent you from not being stung. How many of you can say that you have never made a mistake...? How many of you can claim to be a saint simply because you haven't murdered, stolen, deceived, cheated, lied, committed adultery, etc... Are…

Yesterday I discussed how many people repent and sin, repent and sin...on this vicious cycle. I wanted to further discuss this issue. I wanted to discuss how it doesn't have to be this way. I wanted to tell you, that it is possible to not sin. Okay, so I talked about how important it is for us to make a decision to stay committed, now as we further get into the theology I wanted to explain that it isn't impossible In the Old Testament, yes, it was impossible not to sin. But the sole purpose of Jesus's coming was to clean the slate, to remove the burden of sin off of our blood. To send the counselor, the divine power, the advocate who is the Holy Spirit to allow man to stay away from sin (sin from Adam and Eve which caused the fall of man). So for those that have fully…

I noticed growing up this was a common theme among lots of young people. I would constantly hear things like; "oh, I am a Christian now.... I quit partying, I follow Jesus now." Only to either see or hear about them a few short months later, how they were seen drunk, or swearing like a sailor at the local Bowling alley. What happens to people after they repent? Is this repentance authentic? When young people repent are they born again?... These are all very good questions when you approach the topic of repentance... I too haven't lived a very solidly paved Christian lifestyle my entire life. I have walked away from God, I have fallen into sin, and I have even been upset with God. So what happens after you repent? Well, people repent for different reasons. This may be because of guilt, shame, hating their life, or being pressured…

This topic must be addressed because I think many people underestimate the severity of its power! I have noticed among the Slavic culture (not only of course, but mainly) the idea of gossip and bad mouthing people is a norm. Sadly, this happens among the so called Christian circles. If you sit down and have a cup of tea at a Russian household its just a matter of time before someone will say something negative about someone else.... People love doing this. So whats so bad about saying something that's already true, right? If a person is in sin why not address that sin in front of all your friends, or family...? What harm can it cause, Right? This mentality is precisely what gets people in trouble. People simply do not understand the power of the tongue. They think that bad mouthing someone will not bite back. Ironically, I experienced this first…

I started this topic a few days ago in regards to health and how we are a reflection of what we eat. Its common knowledge that our body will reflect the food we ingest. Lets say your daily routine is a morning coffee and a doughnut for breakfast, pizza or burger for lunch...cant forget the coke, and some sort of pasta dinner, along with some cake for dessert. How long do you think you can keep up this routine before it will reflect to your hips. A month or two, maybe a year. Even for the skinny breed, cholesterol would go through the roof....So you aren't fooling anyone. We have to remember that our body was designed this way on purpose. Think about it, imagine if you could eat absolutely cake in the morning, ice cream sandwich for lunch, and a whole pizza for dinner, and not have any…

I spoke about fear the other day in one of my blogs...I talked about how important it is to have the fear of the Lord in your heart. But what if I told you that is possible for you to die from sin...and not Spiritually but physically. Sin in our society seems to be a misconception, even among the Christians. People take sin very lightly. This is due to the heresy that is taught at many of the churches these days. Instead of teaching the consequences of sin, they teach how God is all forgiving. Interestingly enough, if it wasn't for Jesus, we wouldn't stand a chance. As I was reading the Bible today I stumbled on a few verses, where God isn't so merciful. Where God actually punishes sin with Death. Imagine that, you are knowingly committing sin and all of a sudden death is upon you. You are…
