I recently started a series on Evangelical Feminism. I wanted to break down the history of this topic, to help everyone better understand what this topic is about. We discussed a few different types of views - Egalitarians and Complementarians. So what is this truly all about and why is it important to us today? So from the perspective of an Egalitarian - God created the heavens and the earth, he also created man and women and he created them in full equality and in the image of God. Man and woman lived in perfect harmony as it was intended by God. During this time, both man and woman were tempted by a serpent, they both ate of the fruit and the great Fall happen. After the fall, Eve was cursed and was told she would incur great pains during childbearing and would be subject to Adam; To the woman…
Category Archives Christian views
I wanted to discuss a very serious topic that resonates very deep in my heart and I believe it is critical part of truly understanding the true nature of our roles and responsibilities. I use many points taken from Wayne Grudem and John Piper - who are both complementarians. I will also cross examine N.T. Wright's theory (who is a radical egalitarian) and compare the two opposing sides. But before we jump right in, let’s get you familiar with what these sides are. Egalitarians - the doctrine that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities. Complementarians- is a theological view in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, that men and women have different but complementary roles and responsibilities in marriage, family life, religious leadership, and elsewhere. The word "complementary" and its cognates are currently used to denote this view. Just so you better understand, this is a current issue within the…
This is a topic that has been stirring in my head for months now, and I have to talk about it. I'm sure many of you reading this would think, I dont hate anyone...I just dislike them!...Or maybe you are one of those people that equally hate everyone. At any note, this topic may be right up your alley. As I am writing this, I am reminded of the many conflicts that I have encountered through the years and sit back and wonder, were all my actions justified? Were all those conflicts worth it? As a little voice in my head says, of course, they all deserved every bit of it. You are a smart individual, you know more than the average person, you are always right. Only to sit and have remorse for my actions as my soul judges me, as my conscience says you are wrong! They were…
In case anyone is wondering why very few people showed up to Trumps inauguration...? Maybe it has to do with the record breaking amounts of prayers that were said during the inauguration! Satan does not like prayer- and all the biggest preachers were at his inauguration- MacArthur, Laurie, Jeremiah, etc...and you know who Obama hung out with during his term? Muslims/ Saudi kings and the pope (anti-christians to be exact). Do you think it's a coincidence no one showed up? No- I have been studying agnosticism/atheism for years now- there is a massive correlation between people that do not believe in God and those that are liberal! Ironic???No- not one bit....liberals embrace loose behavior- legalized same sex marriage, abortion, smoking marijuana, transgender, etc...and more recently sexist and racist controversy- that is created instead of existential! All of these examples- that not only go against the Bible, also…
I briefly discussed the power of prayer yesterday, and because today is the national day of prayer, I would like to continue this topic. I have already discussed my view on what prayer is and what it isn't. Many people might not agree with me, but hey... I know that prayer is an effective tool in my life, and God hears me, so therefore I know I am one of Gods Children and can pray with confidence. Today I wanted to discuss a crucial topic...Does God hear a sinners prayer? This is a very important question because many people think that they can continue to live in sin and God will hear them. Many people live however they want and assume God hears their prayers. If we read John 9:31 "We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will." It…
I was going to continue the Holy Spirit series but I have been compelled to write about the power of prayer. The Holy Spirit has put it on my heart to talk about the seriousness and effectiveness of prayer. I noticed that in our world, the word prayer has truly lost its meaning. Many cultures pray to idols, or to other spirits. Or worse yet....Some pray to some sort of higher power. Because of this, society has diminished the seriousness of prayer. People love to throw this around; "I will pray for you." People that have no relationship with God whatsoever have broken the true meaning of what prayer is. Yesterday, I was walking faced with a few concerns and issues that had surfaced in my life. As I was walking, I was thinking of how little I truly pray in my life....I started to be convicted by the Holy…
The last several days I have been preoccupied with an amazing new addition to my family...He is actually a K9. This is partially why I haven't been able to get to my blogging. Among all other things of course. The day I went and picked up my new dog- I was driving down the street couldn't believe how excited I was. I was actually nervous, as if I was picking up a date. I shortly realized how much I truly loved dogs. I think the anticipation really killed me, I had been waiting 8 weeks to finally get this little guy. However, the day had come...As I drove him home, I sat and observed his behavior. I was fascinated how different he was from the other dogs I had owned. I was intrigued by how unique he was. He was just sitting there starring at me with his gorgeous blue eyes,…
Was man created to be alone? We often see priests and monks practicing celibacy and think, how much dedication would it take to be celibate? Does celibacy give man power over his will? Does God call people to be celibate? Celibacy (from Latin, cælibatus) is the state of voluntarily being unmarried, sexually abstinent, or both, usually for religious reasons.It is often in association with the role of a religious official or devotee. In its narrow sense, the term celibacy is applied only to those for whom the unmarried state is the result of a sacred vow, act of renunciation, or religious conviction. In a wider sense, it is commonly understood to only mean abstinence from sexual activity. We see many many religions practicing celibacy such as; Buddhists, Brahma Kumaris, Catholic Church, Hinduism, Etc.. These are just the few of many religions that practice celibacy...So what does the bible say about celibacy? I…
Why repent, when you can just live how you want? I've been told I post too much, I've been told I write too much. I've been told that I talk about God too often.... Well, I won't be apologizing, because I don't use social media to please people. I don't use social media to impress anyone, I use social media to spread the word. I use social media to help others if I can, with posts that are uplifting, daily devotionals that break down Biblical scriptures, everyday struggles of life, and so on.... I am not embarrassed to speak the truth, I am not embarrassed that I am a Christian, I am proud to be a Christian... If I regret anything, it's the fact that I wasted too much time in my life neglecting God, too much time living on my own (without God), too much time living for myself…
I was studying a very interesting Doctrine this weekend. I heard a sermon on this topic and it reminded me of the complexities of God. God is much more complicated than the human mind can comprehend. We Think we have him all figured out by simply reading, praying or going to church our whole life. However, many things are inconceivable to the mind. I remember there was one discussion I had with an atheist, and he asked me, "If your God is all powerful, all mighty, how come he craves your worship, your obedience, your prayer, your love?" Quite honestly, I really didn't know how to answer that question. That thought circulated my mind for many years, until i heard it in a sermon. The answer was right there in front of us the whole time. The idea of Gods needs is so simple. Is God lonely? Does God crave…