Spiritually Empty
I think as Christians we have all gone through this at one point, and for those that aren’t Christian just yet…just wait, you will eventually .
I have to admit something- for the last few weeks I have been mentally in autopilot. I have been doing the bare minimum in life….it seems like a routine that we need to do over and over again. I have done the bare minimum at work, in my personal life and in my spiritual life.
The last few weeks, I go to church on Sunday, I pray practically everyday. And I read the Bible when I have time….Well this sort of routine will eventually leave you spiritually empty.
This mainly happens in life when we are either disappointed in a certain outcome (didn’t get a job that you wanted, didn’t go on that vacation that you needed, didn’t date that girl you liked, etc…) We tend to be so wrapped up in our personal lives that when something -doesn’t seem to go our way we start to lose our motivation. We start to look for things to occupy our interests- and often times these are things that aren’t very spiritual.
I have been a little bored lately with life, seems like not enough excitement going on, so I often times search for something exciting. In doing so I start to focus on the worldly things and forget about the important things – building my relationship with Christ.
How many of you have felt that your Spiritual life is at a standstill?…that you haven’t done anything for God lately and have been living for yourself! Well, when you start to feel like this, often times your spiritual life is at risk. We always need to be growing, going to church once a week isn’t enough. We will not be able to stay alive on a glass of water a week, what makes you think you will be able to survive Spiritually?
We must always be renewing our faith. We must pray for God to relight our fire in our heart.
I don’t know about you, but I love having passion for life, for God for everything I do. When I cannot be passionate about what I do, I cannot enjoy life. When my Spiritual life struggles…everything else does too.
Can you hear the Holy Spirit talking to you? Can you feel Gods comfort in your life? I wish I can say I always do…but the truth is I don’t. Often times I feel down, I feel so alone that it’s hard for me to be faithful to God. Its hard for me to reach out and ask for help. Often times I think I can do things on my own.
Some of the most famous evangelists have struggled with Depression- John Piper, Billy Graham, etc…
We all go through hardships, we all go through struggles, the key is to never forget who is always there for you.
We have all seen celebrities try and cope with stress differently; some turn to drugs, some to alcohol, some to sex, some to money…but they all have the same void in their heart..
I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone. -Robin Williams
Robin Williams use to be one of my favorite actors ever, I use to watch his movies on a loop, and sit there laughing my stomach off…I liked this quote because it reflects how truly lonely we are in this world especially among people. His words truly revealed how he felt when he seemed so happy.
We as humans were created with an empty part in our heart. We spend entire lifetimes searching for things to fill this void. We however will never fill that void.
By the most wise man that ever lived:
“Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.” (Ecclesiastes 1:2)
This passage explains how after having absolutely everything imaginable in life, it brought him to nothing, he still felt lonely…He had riches, fame, power, women, land, structures, and so much more…..
“And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith. I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.” (Ecclesiastes 1:13-14)
Travail is referring to job, or occupation. Some people spend entire lives building businesses for their family, or their kids, only to realize their children don’t even care…
Some of the richest people in this world are loneliest, unfulfilled, and unhappiest. I mentioned Robin Williams, but how many of you knew he committed suicide? Or the fact he wasn’t able to see his children most of his life?
Being successful is not what brings joy, making millions will not make you happy…
search for Jesus, spend more time building relationships, spend more time with your wife…Because in the end that is all that matters.